
The Green Channel is a growing on-line streaming service led by a dynamic and dedicated core team in Canada that includes experts in digital technology, business administration and management, website operations, and in-house film production.

As we grow, we’re always on the lookout for new team members who can help us give our subscribers the best possible experience and bring our independent content to life. Opportunities to join The Green Channel team will be posted on this page as they arise.

If you don’t see the perfect opportunity listed, but are passionate about the environment and have skills in any of the three areas described above, get in touch. We may not have the perfect position right now, but if a suitable opportunity arises at a later date, we’ll let you know.

The process

You can submit your resume and cover letter to Please describe which of the core areas is the best fit for you, and why you’d like to work with The Green Channel. If you haven’t heard from us in a few months, and have new experience and skills to share, feel free to re-submit your resume. Please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before sending us personal information.